Will Nature continue to exist when Richard Attenborough dies? 🤔

Out walking … again

A narrow wooden boardwalk runs through a forest beside a pile of decaying wooden planks covered with fallen leaves.

Two big problems with iOS: BBEdit doesn’t run on iOS, and MarsEdit doesn’t on iOS

Sigh, since Apple doesn’t support rating of photos in Photos, apps who want to make it possible to rate photos need to solve this themselves. The simplest solution seem to be to create albums for 1,2,3,4,5 stars, rejected etc. But each app use a different folder set … so now I have three apps that uses the same, or similar, way of rating photos but none of them can see what I have rated photos in another app. Apple, please support rating of photos so the developers can use the same system.

ICAs vegetariska ärtsoppa var inte god


A dimly lit construction scene in a public space. Two workers are partially visible behind a translucent plastic sheet, engaged in work. A ladder, vacuum hose, and tools are visible in the foreground. Escalators and signage can be seen in the

Major news: turned on my 3D printer for the first time time in 1.5 year

Did a “family photo shoot” yesterday, with my son’s family. Actually quite pleased with the results, quite a few of the photos are really nice. I plan to print several of them … large, but I need to find time to do it.

Netflix announced a new price increase yesterday, cancelled my subscription today.

Då var det dags igen, suck. Går in i sovrummet och känner nåt mjukt som knastrar under foten … nån av katterna har släpat in en mus … igen.