Finally some snow

Snow-covered window with indoor plants in the foreground. Outside, an apartment building is partially visible through the frosted glass.

Jag tycker det är sorgligt att SR har börjat kräva att man ska använda deras app för att kunna lyssna till deras podcasts … och eftersom jag är så jävla envis och vill använda den app jag vill så lär det bli färre podcasts på svenska nu.

In case anyone is wondering, a Mac Mini i7 from 2018 is slower than a Mac Mini M4 Pro

How to spot a scam “After closely reviewing your exceptional academic work available online, we were truly impressed by the remarkable impact you have had. … invitation to … our esteemed publication, “CATTLE PRACTICE.” Our journal … disciplines in both the human and natural sciences.”

Decisions, decisions, decisions

Jag trodde jag visste ungefär vad datateknik inkluderar … men detta var nytt för mig. Undrar om alla Tekniska Fysiker får spader när de klassas in som en undergrupp till datateknik? 😜

Working from home today. I’ve always been a little bit irritated that my screen at home (2560x1440) isn’t as big as the one I have at work. Well, yesterday I connected my new computer to the 2560x1440 screen, and let my old (now my “work from home” computer) use a secondary screen I have and it’s tiny (1920x1080). How can people work on small screens???

I visited the dentist today

A vintage dental x-ray machine with an arm and cone-shaped attachment, mounted on a metal stand with a wire frame.

I miss iaido

Current state of the world

Frost-covered red berries hanging from branches, with a blurred background of trees and a building.