I’m too tired to go to bed … late evening work and then 9h of meeting the day after (6-7 on Zoom) does that to me.
A dusting of winter - 2023-10-30, day 852
I have to admit that I’m surprised that the first snow hasn’t melted away yet … but I’m not complaining
Not according to plans - 2023-10-29, day 851
Waiting at the railway station was NOT a part of the plans for today. There have been several unexpected events the last few days.
One way that I know that my autumn have been busy is that my legs are stiff after a 3h walk in the forest. I hope I can get in better shape in November/ December
Another attempt - 2023-10-28, day 850
Yet another walk and an attempt to take a photo. I don’t think that this barn will get any interesting light, but perhaps some mist??
Unexpected view - 2023-10-28, day 849
 Todays plan was a normal workday at the office in Umeå aaaand here I am in Övik. Life is unpredictable.