Bjännsjön - 2023-11-26, day 879

It’s not yet safe to walk on the ice

Difficult to capture the mood - 2023-11-25, day 878

I like the mood when it looks like this, but unfortunately I find it really difficult to capture the mood in a photo. This looks so very boring.

A wild animal

I’ve had a number of surprises lately, most of them have been “Ohh no, even more problems/complications that needs to be solved”, but yesterday I got a nice surprise.

The last few days I’ve seen posters all over, they announced a martial arts competition that will be held in a few weeks. The poster had a nice design and in addition to the usual info (when/where/etc) there was a nice action photo that showed what it was all about. I really liked the editing of the photo and started to wonder if I could do the same type of editing to one of my photos - I had been photographing the competition last year. So yesterday evening I opened Lightroom and started to search for a photo to try this style on … and after a minute I realized that it was I who had taken the photo on the poster 😋. Since I don’t have the poster at home I can’t be 100% sure but just 99% sure. So the answer was “Yes”, this kind of editing works on my photos 😁.

I usually remember or recognize photos I’ve taken, but this was edited (background removed) and I probably took around 750-1500 in two hours at this event, so I think I have a good excuse for not remembering it.

(and yes, I’ve had given them my photos to be used freely … you have to help other martial arts clubs)

Difficult to see - 2023-11-24, day 877

Sometimes the signs are difficult to read

Meetings - 2023-11-23, day 876

Today was supposed be a non-stop meeting day, but I got lucky and 50% of the meetings were removed from my schedule

It’s winter - 2023-11-22, day 875

The weather report says that there should snow more than usual this afternoon/night … let’s hope so.

I wouldn’t mind a week of “nothing special has happened today” at work

Hiding - 2023-11-21, day 874

Hiding in the library so I can get work done (don’t tell anyone where I am)

Desperate - 2023-11-20, day 873

Desperate photo before going to bed. So many things happened today so forgot to take a photo.