Just a test to see where this post ends up

Some things have changed over time

Trying to help - 2023-12-17, day 900

Trying to help by taking Albus for an afternoon walk. This my 900th daily photo in a row, my goal was 200 … I think I managed to complete the challenge

A snow-covered landscape at dusk with a colorful sky featuring a prominent streak of iridescent cloud.

Morning walk - 2023-12-15, day 898

12 photos from a morning walk at the university

On assignment - 2023-12-16, day 899

Spent most of the day photographing two different martial arts events, this is from a competition. Biggest problem is the horrible lighting, it of course looks good for the audience, but for me it’s pretty bad.

Two ju-jutsu practitioners sparring in a competition on a red mat, with one delivering a kick and the other recoiling. Spectators are visible in the background.

Privileged - 2023-12-13, day 896

Today I was very privileged and got to do some important stuff. Taking grandchild nr 1 on a walk while grandchild nr 2 is getting a medical checkup.

Börjar se ut som en kakelugn - 2023-12-12, day 895

Börjar känna ett visst hopp om att vi ska få tillbaka vårt hem …

I’m trying to do a “quick translation” game English => German, and I’ve discovered that “fast” is one word that take more time than it should. Possible reason is that it means …well “fast” in English, “almost/nearly” in German, and “but” (kind of) or “solid/firm” in Swedish. So when I see “fast” I have to check if it’s the German or English column so I get the correct translation and Swedish just keeps confusing me. End result is that it takes too much time (and there are more words like this)

It’s difficult - 2023-12-11, day 894

Sometimes, when you’re not that old/tall, it’s difficult to observe the traffic … but it’s also difficult to get hit by a car 👍🏻

Frustrated - 2023-12-10, day 893

My goal for this autumn was to start getting into better shape, with the goal of going for my next degree (I have a time limit) … what happened? Too much work, sick, too much work, sick, repeat. So frustrated.