Happy days (not my car, not my ticket)

I’m too old for this !!!

Jag undrar om det har hänt något med de som kör lastbil (och jag tror inte detta rör sig om utländska förare). I år har jag sett tre lastbilar med släp som kört fast inne i stan, två gånger i rondell och en gång längs en väg där det inte brukar köra lastbilar med släp. Det verkar så orutinerat och jag har aldrig sett det förut. Precis som det är många nya förare.

I know a few people who works close to where this is. They are not happy about having to listen to hours of “music”. Note the tin can, the last time I passed here, the musician had it on his foot and was stomping out the beat of whatever he was playing. Not enjoyable!

I haven’t had a photo project since I broke my a-photo-a-day streak, and unfortunately I haven’t come up with a new photo project … and it makes me feel itchy. I didn’t expect to be so “dependent” on some kind of project.

Haven’t been photographing for 2-3 weeks now, yes - I’ve taken pictures of stuff but no photos.

Completely blown away

Once again, I prove that I’m an idiot

I’m probably an “old man yelling at the clouds” but I’m starting to dislike web apps more and more.

Hmmm, I just got an email “Castro is currently transitioning to new ownership”. I’m hoping for the best