The more I try to learn about good photography, the better I get at making bad photos (no, of course you don’t get too see those … but neither are you seeing my best photos)

White boards

A whiteboard with handwritten notes on statistics and mathematics. Topics include confidence intervals, estimation of expected values, standard deviation, Gauss approximation formula, and dimensional analysis. The board also includes equations and explanations in Swedish. A note at the bottom says “

A whiteboard filled with handwritten medical notes in Swedish. The text includes various congenital conditions such as neural tube defects, spina bifida, anencephaly, craniosynostosis, and several other developmental abnormalities. There’s mention of conditions

A whiteboard displaying mathematical matrices related to reflections and rotations in both 2D and 3D. It includes labeled sections for 2D and 3D reflections, depicting matrices for reflections across different axes and planes. Another section shows matrices for

A whiteboard with a variety of cartoon-style characters drawn in black marker. At the top is the word “KÄMPA!” and the date “23-10-2024.” The characters have diverse expressions and designs, creating a lively and

Vi har tydligen uppnått en viss ålder. Nu väntar jag bara på ett erbjudande om att få ett erbjudande om ”datorer för äldre” 😝

A Swedish flyer promoting Assistansförmedling, a service offering independent and free advice to help individuals choose or switch personal assistance companies. It highlights their experience helping over 1,000 families since 2010, with a customer satisfaction rate above

I happened to see an ad free version of Instagram… it was glorious

Bra timing, satte på vinterdäcken onsdag förmiddag, idag ligger första snön på marken.

A few moments of peace and quiet

A pair of feet warming in front of a burning fireplace with glowing embers, enclosed by a brass-framed glass door.

Late autumn

A glass cup containing red berries and autumn leaves in shades of yellow and brown.

Jag är faktiskt imponerad av de som jobbar med att få Västra Länken färdig. Efter några år där NCC har varit ansvarig och då väldigt lite hände, så är det några andra som sköter byggandet (och fixar alla misstag som NCC gjort). De som är i gång nu satsar 110% på att bli klar innan snön kommer. De jobbar typ 06/07 till 20/21 varje dag, 7 dagar i veckan.

I needed somewhere to complain about my photography, but I didn’t want to bore people with boring posts where I complain about my photo so I created a separate site. You’re welcome to visit … but be warned, there is a lot of negativity there

For some reason it makes me really happy to see that someone have spent the time to do a good job 👏🏻

A pair of black boots stands on a wooden boardwalk in a grassy area. The ground is covered with fallen leaves, and the wooden planks form a converging pattern.