If someone said to me that they quit their job for one single reason and that reason was “We have to use Microsoft Teams”, I would not ask any further questions, just nod in sympathy.

First reaction to the Omnivore macOS app: not good. Not full functionality from what I can see, a “View” menu that is empty, “interesting” design decisions.

A lot of online stuff about new generative remove in Lightroom, I’m not excited about that new feature … but the possibility of having a working sync, that’s exciting. Note: just the possibility (I don’t know yet if it’s an improvement).

Sigh. I was a longtime user of Pocket but went to another service. Today I downloaded Pocket again to try it out and when I was trying to log in on my old account I was met with one Captcha after the other. Never signed in, deleted to app. Not going to try Pocket for a while

Det märks att det var länge sedan jag cyklade regelbundet … min ända motsäger sig ytterligare cykelturer den närmsta tiden.

Så jävla less på AI

I’m happy to say: Not my car

Some random photos from the last week

Listening to presentations by people who have applied for a position at our department. This time they talk about a subject that I, at least partially, understand

Det pågår någon sorts cyberattack mot jobbet, jag misstänker ransomeware, och IT chefen kommenterar det med

och styra undan de onda avsikterna

enligt SVT. Inte riktigt hur jag skulle uttryckt det men …