The problem with fresh snow
It’s nice when it’s snowing, suddenly the world look like it should in the winter.
Everything looks better in snow, and it’s really nice to have some snow after two months of horrible (warm and rainy) weather. The last two days it has been snowing lightly, but persistently, so we actually have some snow now.
There is however one problem of being out taking photos in this kind of weather: everything looks so nice and by walking across the pristine snow I destroy the experience for the next person coming here.
On the other hand, all of this disappears if the wind picks up, or it becomes a bit warmer or … So, I should probably don’t feel too bad about walking across the snow.
Anyway, it was a nice walk.
Yet another walk in the village
Despite a bit too much wind for my taste I decided to take a walk, just trying too prevent my body from becoming even fatter and more un-fit. So, what did I see today?
The first thing I noticed that one of the neighbors is safety conscious, it’s always bad if your snow mobile breaks down far from home!! So having a reserve vehicle is always a good idea.
But to be completely honest, today was a pretty boring day with some cold wind. So I decided to keep my walk short, only about 11km, and get home early. The thought of a cup of warm tea was very, very alluring. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who had the idea of staying inside with something warm to drink, because yesterday there were many snow mobiles (with drivers) driving around, today only one.
I think the reason for people staying inside become obvious if you look at the next two photos. It’s a woman walking along village road and they are taken about a minute apart.
Årets första dag
Årets första dag, åtminstone en här i byn verkar ha firat lite väl mycket i natt och är lite trött i ögat idag.
Annars började året bra med solsken, ganska trevligt efter ganska många veckor med moln, regn och allmänt skitväder. Snön gör ju att det är lite ljusare ute och jag blir på allmänt bättre humör bara för att det finns snö ute. Jag förstår inte hur folk står ut i södra Sverige.
Ibland så behöver man inte anstränga sig utan Moder Natur gör allt grovjobb och allt jag behöver göra är att trycka av och ta en bild.