10 photos from todays walk


This summer didn’t end up as I had hoped. Among several things I had hoped to get done was a lot of photography, but this didn’t happen. Instead I ended up doing a lot more house renovating stuff that I could have imagined. And now vacation is over. Anyway, yesterday I decided to try to take a few photos again and and the same time try to do an experiment.

I recently watched on online seminar which got me thinking about several things of how I photograph things, without going into details I have a huge problem in that I don’t take photos “intentionally”, instead I snap photos without thinking much if I can get a better photo by moving around finding another angle, wait for better light, etc.

So yesterday I tried to kick myself in the behind by putting on a wide angle zoom (14-28mm) before going out into the forest. This is something I never do.

I can’t say that the result was especially good but I got me thinking so I consider it a success. Here are the photos with some comments why I don’t think they are that good.

This is perhaps the photo that I find most interesting, it was the light that caught my attention but at the same time I go “meh” when I look at it. It’s interesting to me for how it looks like in the forest, but it doesn’t really work as a photo.

A “standard” photography, it could have worked much better if the groups of trees to the left hadn’t been there … but I couldn’t move to the right without getting serious wet. I like the clouds, the grass and the light but those trees “destroys” the photo. I would have liked to have the center of the photo more to the left so that a few of the trees to the right wasn’t in the frame.

Kind of interesting from a personal view but the photo is bad, the trees to the left shouldn’t be so prominent, and the fallen tree is completely wrong in the photo. My only excuse is that I couldn’t really move to some other place that would fix these things.

I find these red plants quite interesting and beautiful, but the top photo isn’t that interesting. I tried different angles, framings, etc but I couldn’t make a good photo. The top one is the one I think shows the plants best, I think this photo would get a few likes if I posted it to Instagram but it doesn’t really work for me.

The second shows how it looks where this plants grow, on top of a small hill, and I think it’s fun to see the environment. But the plants should be more prominent.

I’m quite fond of tree stumps with some kind of mushrooms growing on them. Sometime I see one where the mushrooms make the whole thing looks like some futuristic city from StarWars/StarTrek. This one is quite boring, it’s just a recording of how it looked like when I walked past it.

As I wrote above, the photos above are not very interesting but I started to think about things, which I consider a success.

Sunday evening walk - I'm NOT popular

While I’m still working, many have started to enjoy summer. For example by reading a book by the lake.

But my main impression from my walk yesterday evening was that I wasn’t very popular and that I should go home NOW

It’s not a car I would like to own, but I do think it looks good in some strange way.

Quick lunch walk

A quick walk through the village to stretch my legs (I do hate correcting exams)

1:a maj

Idag var det en “hämta mig från veckan”-dag, måndag - fredag var lite hektisk men en massa väntade och oväntade saker som skulle fixas. Det blev kort sagt lite för mycket att göra … lyckades avsluta det mest akuta idag på förmiddagen, resten får vänta till på måndag.

Som en liten belöning så tog jag min vanliga promenad, jag börjar bli lite less på den eftersom det inte är så kul att gå samma väg hela tiden. Just nu har jag ingen lust att gå ut i skogen eftersom snön bär inte och det är rätt blött.

Så här är lite dokumentation från dagens promenad.

Another day

I spent most of my day working on some “home improvements”, hopefully I’ll be able to finished that before summer starts. Time will tell.

Of course I had to take a short walk to stretch my legs, and found a lonely helmet.

A hungry street lamp

And a dog with opinions of me

The death of a sofa

I first noticed this sofa in July last year. I “found it” right beside the road, close to a power station, while it wasn’t in mint condition it certainly didn’t look too bad. I could easily see this in a first apartment for someone (unless a cat have peed on it). But I can’t really understand why someone just dumped it here instead of taking it to the recycling station … people!!

In October it was still there but now it started look a bit … sad. Melting snow doesn’t really improve the state of furniture left outside like this.

Today, I passed it once more and now it’s not a sofa anymore. My guess to what happened is that when it started to snow for real in January it was covered in snow, then they needed to remove the snow on the parking lot, and they used a tractor to do that. And this is the result.

Photowalk ... meh

After a workweek looking at my computer screen, I decided I needed to do something else. So, as usual, I decided to go for a “photowalk”. But instead of walking around in the village where I live, I decided to try something new. So I took the car, went to the other side of Umeå and took a walk there.

But unfortunately the weather was “meh”, my brain was “meh”, and to be honest the surrounding was “meh” today. So it’s no surprise that the photos came out “meh” as well. But I got some exercise!!

The problem with fresh snow

It’s nice when it’s snowing, suddenly the world look like it should in the winter.

Everything looks better in snow, and it’s really nice to have some snow after two months of horrible (warm and rainy) weather. The last two days it has been snowing lightly, but persistently, so we actually have some snow now.

There is however one problem of being out taking photos in this kind of weather: everything looks so nice and by walking across the pristine snow I destroy the experience for the next person coming here.

On the other hand, all of this disappears if the wind picks up, or it becomes a bit warmer or … So, I should probably don’t feel too bad about walking across the snow.

Anyway, it was a nice walk.

Yet another walk in the village

Despite a bit too much wind for my taste I decided to take a walk, just trying too prevent my body from becoming even fatter and more un-fit. So, what did I see today?

The first thing I noticed that one of the neighbors is safety conscious, it’s always bad if your snow mobile breaks down far from home!! So having a reserve vehicle is always a good idea.

But to be completely honest, today was a pretty boring day with some cold wind. So I decided to keep my walk short, only about 11km, and get home early. The thought of a cup of warm tea was very, very alluring. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who had the idea of staying inside with something warm to drink, because yesterday there were many snow mobiles (with drivers) driving around, today only one.

I think the reason for people staying inside become obvious if you look at the next two photos. It’s a woman walking along village road and they are taken about a minute apart.