Please hurry up - 2023-11-08, day 861
Moder Nature, could you please hurry up and start the read winter, this is just depressing.
Lyckades ta mig ut på årets första promenad, lite skämmigt men det har inte varit så kul att gå ut när det varit blött och halkigt. Men det stora problemet är nog att den sista förkylningen fortfarande känns i lungorna - jäkla Covid som ställt till det.
Men det var ganska trevligt ute, lite svårpromenerat dock - en skoter hade kört längs den väg som jag brukar gå och rivigt upp snön medan den var blöt, när den frös så resulterade det i rätt ojämn gångväg. Men kommer det lite snö nu så kommer det att bli mycket bättre.
God morgon
Det är betydligt lättare att stiga upp när det är vackert ute … fast det är ju inte helt fel att det blir höst så att jag inte behöver stiga upp halv-två på natten utan det räcker med 6-7 tiden.
Vackra blommor finns inte bara på sommaren utan det finns fantastiskt fina blommor även på hösten.
Sketch images
I decided to go out and try to take a few images during lunch. Instead of my usual walk I took the car and drove around a bit. I saw a few places that looks promising but it wasn’t possible for me to stay and properly explore the different places. I just took a few images to remember these places, hopefully I get the chance to take closer look before Christmas but things tend to happen … so who knows. Anyway here are a few of the photos I got.
The last few weeks have been hectic, lot of things to do at work and I haven’t really been able to get out … while the sun has been up. But both yesterday and today I was able to take a decent walk - I need these kind of walks. Of course I had my camera with me but since the main reason for the walk was to get some exercise I didn’t really concentrate on the photos. But here are a few “sketch images” from today. With “sketch images” I mean photos I take to play around with things to see how things work.
This image is just a close up of some frost, the difficulty here is get the texture of the ice visible - I need to continue playing with this.
I took this image because I wanted to see how it looked like in black and white. For this image to really work I would need better separation of the tree from the background but … it wasn’t possible. But here is the B&W and color version, the B&W is basically standard conversion without any editing. I adjusted the color version a bit to try to bring out the warm colors. I should have worked more on the B&W version but …
And just some snapshots just because I liked the color of the light.