
Guess what … another walk happened today

A German Shepherd dog is standing on a wooded hiking trail. The path is surrounded by dense trees and lush green undergrowth, with dappled sunlight filtering through the forest canopy. The dog is wearing a harness and leash, looking attentively ahead.

Guess who didn’t want to leave the car

Another day, another forest, another walk

Out for a walk with our house guest

A German Shepherd dog on a leash is walking along a dirt path through a dense forest with tall trees and green foliage. The path winds through the forest, disappearing into the distance.

I can’t help being impressed by the “new” (this camera was released in 2018) camera sensors. I was out on the ice today, sunny and … well, lack of light wasn’t a problem. I wanted to take a photo of Albus and this is what I see in the viewfinder

No surprise, it was really bright and I took the photo towards the sun. I hoped that I would be able to create a cool silhouette photo from it … but when I came home I pressed “Auto” in Lightroom and …

I’m amazed that the sensors are able to handle lighting conditions like this so well.

How different would it be - 2023-11-07, day 860

 I can’t stop wondering about how different the world would be if we notice the smells that dogs does. How would we experience the world around us? Would it be more interesting?

Albus gillar snö

Snö är skönt

Var ute på en väldigt kort promenad med Albus idag … och det är ganska uppenbart att han gillar snö. Han kommer säkert att vara lite sorgsen när snön försvunnit. Men å andra sidan så går det väldigt bra att kasta sig i närmsta sjö/vattendrag, så jag gissar att han kommer att tycka att livet är ganska OK ändå.

Jag antar att han är sen till något viktigt möte … entusiastisk som vanligt i alla fall.

Visiting Albus and Bonny