Small - 2022-04-18, day 292

We humans aren’t that big after all

Spring - 2022-04-17, day 291

It looks like spring is here

Looking up - 2022-04-16, day 290

Yesterday I was looking down, today I was looking up

Looking down

Something is missing - 2022-04-15, day 289

I’m pretty sure that there is one vital ingredient missing from this picture

Not yet awake - 2022-04-14, day 288

As you can see, not all brain cells have arrived to work yet.

Relaxing - 2022-04-13, day 287

The administration at the university complained that paintings etc had disappeared (i.e. the university have no control of where different paintings etc are), but I suspect this is one item that isn’t easily moved.

Morning walk - 2022-04-12, day 286

A quick morning walk around the campus before it’s time to start working

Mmmm - 2022-04-11, day 285

Quick dinner before it’s time to relax

Waiting for mail - 2022-04-10, day 284

What do empty mailboxes think?