Another meeting day - 2022-05-05, day 309

Today was another meeting day, this is the view from one of the rooms. Tomorrow there is only one meeting. In the afternoon/evening it’s time for a road trip.

Lost - 2022-05-04, day 308

Someone lost something

Failure - 2022-05-03, day 307

This how things end up when I forget to check the settings of the camera … a severely underexposed photo

Windy - 2022-05-02, day 306

Quite windy today … also sun, rain, blue sky, cloudy, hail, snow. In other words: spring

Lines - 2022-05-01, day 305

Some lines I found while walking around

Village life - 1

That time of the year - 2022-04-30, day 304

It’s been a couple of years since the last time

Umeå university - 2022-04-29, day 303

The central part of the campus

Another view of spring - 2022-04-28, day 302

No, I don’t think spring is especially wonderful

Kokkaffe - 2022-04-27, day 301

Sist jag såg någon som drack kokkaffe var 2021-09-10