Lunch walk - 2022-05-13, day 317

Walking around the hospital area

More playtime - 2022-05-12, day 316

I’m continuing to play with an old camera and a single lens. Right now I’m enjoying this

Spring flowers - 2022-05-11, day 315

Some flowers at work

Double parking - 2022-05-10, day 314

A lot of bikes in a small space

Just playing around

The MC duck - 2022-05-09, day 313

The famous MC-duck

Ymer, Atle, Frej and Oden

Still snow around - 2022-05-08, day 312

There is still snow on the ground

Luleå - 2022-05-07, day 311

Walking around in Luleå

Nostalgic - 2022-05-06, day 310

Feeling quite nostalgic while walking around in Luleå. Lived here for 15-16 years … but it was many years ago and I haven’t been here for in a really long time.