Late spring/early summer - 2022-05-21, day 325

It looks like summer is here … or will come soon

“My pile of gravel” - 2022-05-20, day 324

It looks like the tractor wants to make sure that no-one tries to steal the gravel

Just another day at work

Stone family - 2022-05-19, day 323

I met this family while out on my lunch walk

Umeå - 2022-05-18, day 322

Quick visit downtown

Umeå University - 2022-05-17, day 321

Arriving to the university

Nature - 2022-05-16, day 320

Things you find when out walking

Alien - 2022-05-15, day 319

It really looks like some kind of alien, doesn’t it

Rose - 2022-05-14, day 318

I like these color

Visiting Albus and Bonny