Full speed ahead - 2022-07-03, day 368

Albus is a dog that loves water in all forms: water, snow, ice, etc. It’s all fun and something to enjoy.

Wheels Nationals Norr 2022 - 2022-07-02, day 367

Today was the day for this car meet, it was smaller than previous year (some construction work on the site for the meeting). Always fun to walk around and look at people (see more photos here)

Bye until august - 2022-07-01, day 366

My vacation starts today and I’m not going to view this scene until some time in august.

The photographer - 2022-06-30, day 365

One year of publishing a photo taken that day is complete. I think it’s fitting that the 365th photo is of a photographer.

Patterns, shapes, textures - 2022-06-29, day 364

Just looking at the various patterns, shapes, and textures of these buildings.

Flowers - 2022-06-28, day 363

It has been quite warm today, I think it’s been about 25-28° … and it’s been like this for 4-5 days and it’s supposed to be this warm at least until Saturday. And yes, I realize that this isn’t warm for a large number of people.

Sushi - 2022-06-27, day 362

Today I treated myself to a sushi lunch

The sea - 2022-06-26, day 361

Today we made a short visit to the coast just to see how it looks like. The last time I visited there was ice where these two are swimming.

Dust - 2022-06-25, day 360

Despite some rain the last week, the roads are dry.

Midsummer - 2022-06-24, day 359

Midsummer celebrations in Yttersjö