The streets of Umeå - 2022-08-04, day 400

I had to go to down today so I decided to try some street photography. Here is an example of how it looked at at the city centre.

Forest colors - 2022-08-03, day 399

Went to a new part of the forest today, and found some colors

Repairing - 2022-08-02, day 398

The neighbors are fixing the roof

At the bathtub farm - 2022-08-01, day 397

Today I visited the bathtub farm and looked at this years crop. As you can see, they are not ripe yet. But if the weather continues like this, we can get a new bathtub before end of month.

New forest, new walk - 2022-07-31, day 396

Today I visited a new forest, same but also different.

Uninspired - 2022-07-30, day 395

Feeling pretty uninspired today, didn’t really feel taking photos today.

Preparing for winter - 2022-07-29, day 394

Spent some time today preparing for winter. It’s kind of fun but the only time I’ve felt rich have been when the freezer have been full, and when we have enough firewood to last 1-2 years.

Down by the harbor - 2022-07-28, day 393

Visiting my mother and started the day by walking down to the harbor to remind myself of being a kid.

Kurre - 2022-07-27, day 392

Visiting my mother, may I present her cat Kurre. He is 11 year old gentleman with an incredible soft fur.

A longer walk - 2022-07-26, day 391

Todays walk become longer than planned … I forgot to turn around 🤦🏻‍♂️. Family upset because of late dinner