A black and white photo - 2022-08-10, day 406

At least I intended this photo be B&W … but it looked like shit, sigh. So you get the color version instead … which doesn’t look that good either, but it’s better than the B&W version

Full speed ahead - 2022-08-09, day 405

There was some bike competition passing the village today

I met this little fellow during my lunch walk. He/she was perfectly OK with me coming within 5m … but then it was too much, and he/she disappeared behind the trunk

Some things never change, this is a completely normal thing at work … I like it

I like the new signs - 2022-08-08, day 404

I hope this is an example of some new traffic signs, I really like it.

Playing around with shadows

And depth of field

Just for fun while waiting for different stuff

Left turn - 2022-08-07, day 403

Life took a hard left turn

Rainy day - 2022-08-06, day 402

Me - “Yes, I know it’s raining outside. You should still go out”

Tove - “Nope, I’m fine with staying here for the rest of the day”

Crossing the road - 2022-08-05, day 401

Crossing the road

The streets of Umeå - 2022-08-04, day 400

I had to go to down today so I decided to try some street photography. Here is an example of how it looked at at the city centre.