The students are back - 2022-08-25, day 421

The students are starting to come back to the university

Faculty meeting - 2022-08-24, day 420

A meeting for the teachers at the faculty … I guess this is 4-5% of the actual number of teachers.

Lines - 2022-08-23, day 419

For some reason I’m fascinated with the lines of this bridge. It’s not the first photo from here … and probably not the last.

Small world - 2022-08-22, day 418

The large world is full of small worlds

New season - 2022-08-21, day 417

A new season for the ju-jutsu training has started. The instructors are walking back from a startup meeting

Home made sushi - 2022-08-20, day 416

We was invited to a sushi dinner today

Beautiful - 2022-08-19, day 415

I really liked this, I think it’s really beautiful

“Don’t be friends” - 2022-08-18, day 414

“Var inte kompis med ditt ex” - “Don’t be friends with your ex”

Art or something else? - 2022-08-17, day 413

I don’t really know what this is. I found it outside Umeå Institute of Design so it can be anything.

Unexpected fellow pedestrians - 2022-08-16, day 412

I was walking downtown when I met these two. It was funny, they came walking down the sidewalk much in the same way as any humans, we met and then they just continued to walk down the sidewalk.