Lonely leaf - 2022-09-22, day 449

I don’t feel like taking photos today (Covid paid a visit)

Sick today - 2022-09-21, day 448

Tried to walk around the area where I live but it was exhausting, anyway here you see some vehicles waiting for their owners to come back from school.

The sun is disappearing - 2022-09-20, day 447

The time is 7:37 and the sun is barely visible above the roof … soon it will not be visible at all.

Autumn colors - 2022-09-19, day 446

Low level of inspiration today

Back at the dojo - 2022-09-18, day 445

It’s been a couple of weeks

Parking the car in the wrong place - 2022-09-17, day 444

Autumn + Aspen + Rain == this

Food festival - 2022-09-16, day 443

I had to go downtown today but luckily enough there was a food festival so … I tried something new. The reason why it’s so empty is that I was one of the very first customers, when I had finished my plate then it was full of people around.

Autumn colors - 2022-09-15, day 442

I like the colors of autumn.

New students - 2022-09-14, day 441

What’s typical to find when you see when the new students you have arrived.

Summer is over - 2022-09-13, day 440

In case you needed some proof that autumn is here …