Teaching - 2022-11-05, day 493

The beginners listens to how they should do certain movements.

‘I wonder what they say - 2022-11-04, day 492

I guess it’s something interesting

Time for this years festivities - 2022-11-03, day 491

Done for tonight, everything starts tomorrow

In a library? - 2022-11-02, day 490

I don’t know what they are doing at the library but apparently there is a need for these.

Life on death - 2022-11-01, day 489

Love the green color here.

Scary spider - 2022-10-31, day 488

Or possibly not.

Late autumn - 2022-10-30, day 487

Death now, life in a few months.

The scary dog

Patterns - 2022-10-29, day 486

Just some pattern I found at home

The scary dog - 2022-10-28, day 485

Time for a photo session with Albus, doesn’t he look scary?