One of the university ducks - 2022-11-17, day 505
It was easier to walk on the ice than trying to swim
Leaving a meeting - 2022-11-15, day 503
Leaving the last meeting of the day, time to go to the office, get my stuff and go home.
Relaxed - 2022-11-15, day 502
This guy looked really relaxed, but before I managed to get my camera someone came and he “woke up”.
The newest family member visited - 2022-11-12, day 500
The youngest person in the family visited yesterday. This is also the 500th day in a row I’ve taken a photo (yes, I know I haven’t posted in a while … been busy)
I would really like to have seen this - 2022-11-10, day 498
When the kids were young, I really like to read the stories about “Mamma mu och kråkan”