Harsh conditions for studying - 2023-01-24, day 573
Probably not perfect conditions for sitting down and study.
Adapting to the environment - 2023-01-23, day 572
It looks like the students are starting to adapt to the environment, hiding from the predators 😂
No people yet - 2023-01-20, day 569
Taking my morning walk around campus. The mornings are so calm compared to later in the day.
The modern home gym - 2023-01-19, day 568
No need for an expensive gym card, this is free … and useful.
I know … - 2023-01-18, day 567
I know what I’m going to do when I get home … I’m going to shovel snow
Ice problem - 2023-01-17, day 566
There has been very warm weather lately, so the snow has been melting but the water can flow anywhere because every drain (?) is frozen.