Bike - 2023-03-07, day 615

If you have a lot of homework

March Photoblogging Challenge, today whole

I’m pretty sure that this an mistake and it should be “hole”, not “whole” … right? … RIGHT??

Abstract engineering art - 2023-03-06, day 614

At least from this angle

March Photoblogging Challenge, today engineering

It’s now 40 years since I learned how to design these things … and 39.5 years since I forgot all about it 😁

Sigh - 2023-03-05, day 613

Not how I had planned the day

March Photoblogging Challenge, today zip.

No imagination today

Yum - 2023-03-04, day 612

I don’t need any more food today 🎂🍰🥮

Repair or art installation? - 2023-03-03, day 611

Sometimes it’s difficult to say if it’s art or work