Lines - 2023-03-21, day 629


March Photoblogging Challenge, today tiny

The opposite of tiny

No music - 2023-03-20, day 628

Even with a nice instrument, there is no music

March Photoblogging Challenge, today houseplant

At work

One more thing - 2023-03-19, day 627

The final task before bedtime

March Photoblogging Challenge, today analog

Trying some analog tools after watching videos. I need to practice more.

A small shovel and a big pile of snow

March Photoblogging Challenge, today portico

I had to look this up, it’s not as fancy as those I found when I searched for the word but … this is the village school

The Apple - 2023-03-18, dag 626

Nothing further to say about this

The most unexpected thing I saw today. A package of cheese on the village road. Yes, I’m curious