This view makes me happy

One of the reasons - 2023-03-25, day 633

One of the reasons I don’t want to live in live in a city

March Photoblogging Challenge, today spice

This isn’t the season for fresh spices, so …

Winter - 2023-03-24, day 632

Not yet useful

The player

We still have some snow - 2023-03-23, day 631

We still have some snow left on the ground …

March Photoblogging Challenge, today chance

This is what I think about when I saw todays prompt

Going home - 2023-03-22, day 630

Continuing experimenting with Hipstamatic

March Photoblogging Challenge, today insect

Today is the day for bad associations - since insects are kind of hard to find during this time of the year. Here goes: insects => bugs => misspelled as “bugg”