Todays fun moment: I went to fair and saw two German Shepards, one was a puppy and I guessed that it was 3-4 months old. The other was a young dog and I guessed the age to be 10-11 months. I talked to the owner and the puppy was 3.5 months old, the young dog was 4 years old and the mother of the puppy 😁 She was so tiny … or I’m perhaps biased because of Albus. To me he is a normal sized dog - he is larger than the standard 😂

Säsong 2 av Stiftelsen är betydligt bättre än den första.

A Nordic bench

Before you could use GPS to measure the travel distance

My old school

Living the hard life

Jag antar att det är ett resultat av min ålder men jag tycker det är ofantligt löjligt att använda “sale” istället för “rea”. Och då ska vi inte prata om “deals” 🤬

“Do I … do I smell … a treat??”

Umeå - August 2nd, 2023

I remember having seen various discussions about read-later services, unfortunately I’ve forgotten what services was discussed and if they were any good (and who participated in the discussions). Anyway, I’m looking for a new read-later service, do you have any recommendations? I know about Pocket, Instapaper. I want something that is preferably iOS, macOS, web.