Quiet village life - 2023-09-18, day 810

Just an ordinary day in the village

Day 18 - fabric

Jag gillar verkligen ljudet av korpar (vill inte kalla det sång😁)

Day 17 - intense: yep, we have grapes in the garden. Not many, and not large ones but the flavor is intense

Day 16 - oof: after a day with many “oofs” the instructors are resting. At a meeting for those who teach ju-jutsu kai to children.

New students are still students

Raindeers - 2023-09-15, day 807

A small herd of reindeers slowly moving through Umeå

Day 15 - red: Red in several ways

It’s kind of interesting: I have a lot of apps for writing text and I do use them, but as soon as start to write something more than a few paragraphs I go back to BBEdit. And when I do, everything feels much better.

Day 14 - statue: I don’t know what you think of when you see this statue …