2021-10-31 19:29:02

This is how October ends, dark, wet and foggy

Sigh - 2021-10-31, day 123

I’m not fond of this weather: wet, misty and dark. Hopefully, the weather will improve soon.

2021-10-30 15:54:31


2021-10-30 12:48:39

Current status - Bunny Kingdom

Bonny - 2021-10-30, day 122

This is Bonny, not one of our cats but she has actually lived with us for a couple of months last year.

2021-10-29 17:33:52

Time to go home

Fetching the car - 2021-10-29, day 121

On my way to pick up the car so I can go home

2021-10-28 21:01:10

Nothing make you feel so old than going to a training session and train with someone 1/3 of your age. Not to mention being the instructor to those who are 1/10 of your age. I should probably visit the hospital ward where I was called “young & fit” again 😜

2021-10-28 14:26:47


Featureless - 2021-10-28, day 120

A lot of fog today …