Another meeting - 2021-12-07, day 160

Yet another meeting at work. I used to be able to avoid almost all meetings at work, now I probably average at least one meeting per day, probably two. I think the record is six or seven meetings in one day, this is something that I find quite “unnatural”.

2021-12-06 20:05:27

On the way to the office

Umeå university - 2021-12-06, day 159

Umeå - 2021-12-05, day 158

Walked around in central Umeå to pass some time before I could go home. I don’t really like Umeälven, I don’t trust it and here is one reason.

2021-12-04 16:07:23

Albus visited today

Albus - 2021-12-04, day 157

I got asked to take a few photos of Albus today. Since the sun already had set the sky got an interesting color. And yet, Albus looooooves snow, I’m pretty sure that he would like it to be snow the whole year.

2021-12-04 11:05:03

I finally got a Leica! It wasn’t as expensive that some people have said

2021-12-04 10:34:17

Outside the kitchen window

A standard day - 2021-12-03 day 156

Back at the university to get some work done

Sketch images

I decided to go out and try to take a few images during lunch. Instead of my usual walk I took the car and drove around a bit. I saw a few places that looks promising but it wasn’t possible for me to stay and properly explore the different places. I just took a few images to remember these places, hopefully I get the chance to take closer look before Christmas but things tend to happen … so who knows. Anyway here are a few of the photos I got.