Lunch walk - 2021-12-26, day 179

2021-12-26 14:44:11

Soon back home

2021-12-26 14:32:04

Midday lunch walk

2021-12-26 13:15:03

The biggest problem with cold is the cats spend a lot of time indoors. And they of course occupy the bests spots in the house. And since the law states that you can’t disturb a sleeping cat, I’m now sitting in a less comfy chair instead of the very comfy sofa. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Lunch walk - 2021-12-25, day 178

2021-12-24 21:00:41

When the visiting German Shepard has gone home

Agnes - 2021-12-24, day 177

The German Shepard have left the house and Agnes have come out of her hiding place

My corner is occupied - 2021-12-23, day 176

My corner - or at least the part of the sofa that used to be my corner - has been occupied

2021-12-23 16:32:09

To summarize my day

Horrible - 2021-12-22, day 175

I went shopping yesterday, what an horrible experience!!! Way too much people and I was really angry when I got home.