Another winter landscape - 2022-01-08, day 192

I like these white landscapes

2022-01-07 16:40:07

2022-01-07 16:23:32

Let’s start the countdown to day nr 200. Here is daily photo nr 191 - out for my lunch walk

Winter sun - 2022-01-07, day 191

I like this photo, a pretty good description of winter right now

2022-01-06 18:58:39

Get out of my way, I’ve got an important meeting

2022-01-06 18:19:14

The golden light out on the sea

2022-01-06 15:13:55

The highlight of the day: a walk with Albus, and to him snow is an opportunity, not a problem

Albus and his pack - 2022-01-06, day 190

Albus and his pack is out on the sea, he keeps a watchful eye on me so I don’t get too far behind.

2022-01-06 08:08:57

I had to try this wordle thing

Wordle 201 3/6

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2022-01-05 15:12:50

Current state: our neighbors