Relaxing - 2022-03-28, day 271

Busy today, I need to relax before going to bed

A few experimental photos from today

Patient - 2022-03-27, day 270

A very, very patient man

Next season - 2022-03-26, day 269

I wonder if it’s dreaming of the next winter

City walk - 2022-03-25, day 268

Early evening city walk after dinner, soon time to take the car home

The lonely student - 2022-03-24, day 267

A student studying something

Precise - 2022-03-23, day 266

This shop is very precise when it comes to opening hours.

Playing with editing - 2022-03-22, day 265

Decided to play a bit with editing, overdone just to see what happens when I go a bit extreme.

Barbapapa - 2022-03-21, day 264

I can’t help it, when I see this, I only think Barbapapa (<…>)

2022-03-20 15:13:16

Waiting to instruct my second group