Easter portrait - 2022-04-09, day 283

Tried a bit of model photography today, the model was very calm

The catacombs - 2022-04-08, day 282

Exploring the lower parts of the university

Busy day, late dinner - 2022-04-07, day 281

It’s been a busy day today, didn’t get home until lite. Quick dinner before it’s time to go to bed.

Early morning - 2022-04-05, day 279

Early morning shadows, before the students arrive

Shiny - 2022-04-04, day 278

Sometimes I find shiny stuff at work

Walking companion - 2022-04-02, day 276

I needed a walk, so I went to my sons house and managed to persuade this fellow (i.e. I reached for the collar) to come along for the walk.

Secrets - 2022-04-01, day 275

I assume the content isn’t as interesting as I first thought

Small stuff - 2022-03-21, day 274

I found this when walking around at the university, I couldn’t resist trying out the macro mode of Halide on my phone.

Unexpected - 2022-03-30, day 273

My plan was to take it easy this evening, but that didn’t happened. Instead I instructed two groups … not what I expected when I got up this morning.

Unused - 2022-03-29, day 272

I met this little lady for the first time today.