Today is one of the days where I want to move all my stuff into a folder hierarchy with text files, delete all apps except BBEdit and a git client, install an email client that doesn’t get in the way.

Unfortunately, I also know that it isn’t realistic 😔

After the protests, last day of lectures today and the students are leaving to go home (or work)

A multi-story brick building with large windows, an adjacent glass staircase tower, and another connected building in the background. The foreground features a grassy lawn with distinct square patches of light and some small yellow flowers. There are a few bicycles parked near the buildings

After the protests, last day of lectures today and the students are leaving to go home (or work)

Protests at work

Listening to presentations by people who have applied for a position at our department. This time they talk about a subject that I, at least partially, understand

Det pågår någon sorts cyberattack mot jobbet, jag misstänker ransomeware, och IT chefen kommenterar det med

och styra undan de onda avsikterna

enligt SVT. Inte riktigt hur jag skulle uttryckt det men …

The time is ticking

My theory is that some repair is needed

Yay me, exams are marked … now I can move on to check student prerequisites before moving on to staff planning for the autumn … and probably, in the near future, have a non-pleasant conversation with an employee.

I wouldn’t mind a week of “nothing special has happened today” at work