How about a selfie - 2024-01-14, day 928

I don’t think I’ve posted a selfie before, so I assume it’s time.

A snowy landscape with scattered trees and a person in winter clothing kneeling on the snow, taking a photograph.

One of these fun temperature changes, it changed from -30 to -18 in less than 3h.

Waiting for summer - 2023-12-27, day

Waiting for summer when the tourists arrive

A wooden post with a cap of snow stands in the foreground against a wintery landscape with snow-covered ground and a backdrop of trees and hills under a cloudy sky.

Det är lite fascinerande, den absoluta sämsta väg jag kört på i mitt liv var Strandgatan inne i stan. Och då inkluderar jag när jag har kört på skogsbilvägar där skogsmaskiner kör omkring och när jag körde terrängbilar i skogen i det militära.

A wild animal

Just playing around

Sketch images

I decided to go out and try to take a few images during lunch. Instead of my usual walk I took the car and drove around a bit. I saw a few places that looks promising but it wasn’t possible for me to stay and properly explore the different places. I just took a few images to remember these places, hopefully I get the chance to take closer look before Christmas but things tend to happen … so who knows. Anyway here are a few of the photos I got.

A Sunday in March

Not much to say about today. I took a 10km walk and going south wasn’t much of a problem. But walking north wasn’t fun, it was blowing pretty hard and it got a bit uncomfortable (I’m not very fond of strong wind). Anyway, here is how it looked like on the lake.

Photowalk ... meh

After a workweek looking at my computer screen, I decided I needed to do something else. So, as usual, I decided to go for a “photowalk”. But instead of walking around in the village where I live, I decided to try something new. So I took the car, went to the other side of Umeå and took a walk there.

But unfortunately the weather was “meh”, my brain was “meh”, and to be honest the surrounding was “meh” today. So it’s no surprise that the photos came out “meh” as well. But I got some exercise!!