After the protests, last day of lectures today and the students are leaving to go home (or work)

A multi-story brick building with large windows, an adjacent glass staircase tower, and another connected building in the background. The foreground features a grassy lawn with distinct square patches of light and some small yellow flowers. There are a few bicycles parked near the buildings

Nice weather today, sun, snow and -22°C — -28°C, perfect winter weather. On my way to try out my first escape room event.

Please hurry up - 2023-11-08, day 861

Moder Nature, could you please hurry up and start the read winter, this is just depressing.

Umeå - 2023-10-31, day 853

Walking from the university to Bilbolaget to fetch my car.

Det ska bli intressant att se vad de kommer att bygga här istället. Blir det bostäder, affärer, kontor eller nån kombination? Blir nåt vackert eller bara en ny glas/plåt/stållåda?

Just playing around with B&W … just for fun


Ibland när jag går omkring i centrala Umeå så stöter jag på hus som ser ut på detta sätt.

Det är ju inte direkt någon trevlig syn och jag blir mest bara förbannad och arg. Jag inbillar mig nämligen att husen inte underhålls för att de ska bli så dåligt skick så att ”det måste rivas för det går inte att renovera”, sedan så kan huset rivas och något nytt flashigt hus kan byggas där. Cynisk? Jag? Kanske lite grann.

Wednesday morning photowalk

“Wednesday morning photowalk” or should I write “the time I had to spend in town while waiting for the car to get serviced”. The first one sounds better, so I’m going to use that one. Anyway, as I wrote yesterday, I had to wait in town for two hours and since there are no shops open (which we should avoid anyway) and they have told us to stay away from work there wasn’t much else to do than bring the camera and walk around in town.

So, here are what I say this morning, first two photos of Umeälven (Umu River) taken from about here. The path you can see along the river is a walking/biking path that is used a lot to get from one side of town to the other without needing to cross any roads (well, actually two but it’s usually not a problem).

The next one is taken from approximately the same place but down the river. This is central Umeå with a building they are currently constructing, the second photo is closer view of it.

Then we have one of the “restaurant boats” (taken from here). For some reason it seem to be quite popular to go there, I can understand it in the summer but in the winter …

Next, from the perhaps most central place in Umeå: Rådhustorget (Town Hall Square). You are free to sit down and rest if you want to.

And of course a shop sign

One of the art installations

Umeå Stads Kyrka (Umeå City Church) photographed from here

And the final two photos are essentially photos from where I took the other photo. The first one is from here looking towards where I took the second one.

That ended my morning photo walk and when came home I spent at least three hours in Zoom-meetings.

Another morning photowalk in Umeå

Monday again and time to spend an hour or two walking round in Umeå waiting to go home. Once again I decided to walk around among the buildings to see if I could find something interesting. There was just a few people outside at 9 and I couldn’t find much to photograph

I decided to walk down to the river and there the golden morning sun made things a bit better

After that I just walked around trying to find something interesting.

After snapping those photos it was time to head back home and do something “useful”.

Another black and white day

Today is another black and white day. For various reasons I had to be in town for a couple of hours. Since I didn’t feel like checking out the shops I just walked around for 1.5 hours.

So once again I took the GM5 and used the B&W scene setting and started to snap photos of various things. Most om them were unsharp and crappy, here are the ones that are a little bit better than total crap.

Since I alway use RAW I get a color version of the photos also. For this photo the B&W version was a complete failure but the color version is better