Just playing around

Ymer, Atle, Frej and Oden

Black and white day

For some reason I need to post a black & white photo today. Here is one from a few years ago.


Last Friday I went on a quick round trip to Åmsele, about 200 km, before lunch. Since I was a bit limited when it came to time I didn’t really get the chance to take any photos. But on the way back home I did a quick stop just south of Åmsele to take these two photos.

I consider them to be “sketch photos”, i.e. they are not good - the weather was not very interesting and I think this will look much better at another time of the year. So these photos is just a way of remembering that I should try to take some photos here at another time of the year.


It’s now been 2.5 years since I visited Helsinki and I still frequently think about that trip. I really enjoyed my 10 days there and during the 5-6 days I was free to do whatever I liked to do, I walked about 100-120 km. So, I got a decent sampling of central Helsinki.

What I really remember is the architecture, it’s quite different from what I have seen in Sweden. I haven’t travelled much, so I can’t compare it to many places but it kind of reminds me of Budapest. It’s these big stone houses, wide streets, big squares, big churches/castles, etc. I regret that I didn’t spend more time photographing the architecture.

While there are a few houses that look similar to what I’m used, to I also found new buildings that had similar architecture.

And sometimes you can have the same kind of feeling inside, these serious men who look down at you and demand respect 😋.

Conferences and photography

One of the benefits of going to a conference is that you get to see a new place, which of course means a chance for some photography. Here are a few photos from Aberdeen 2019

From Dagstuhl and Völklinger Hütte

And finally some from Uppsala

In other words I enjoy going to a conference since that usually mean that I get the chance to take a new photos. Note that conferences are rarely in places where you really want to go !!

Anyway, tomorrow it’s time for a new conference … but this time I’m going to sit in my office at home so no photos from a new place. Instead I’ll try to take a photos from the village where I live, perhaps not as exciting as photographing a new place but not too bad. Here are a few photos from the village that I’ve taken the last few days

My view through the train window

Traveling home by night train, was expecting to be at work (very close to the train station) before 6:30. Right now I’m wondering if I will make to lunch, we are about 4.5 h after schedule right now.

Early morning walk in Stockholm



Anyone who has ever been to New York City remembers their first impression, amazement, and awe

I’ve been there once, due to a late flight, and while I do remember the short visit, I can’t say that I felt “amazement and awe”. Pretty much like any other town.