A goat with a view

A panoramic view of a coastal city with a harbor, colorful buildings, and residential areas. In the foreground, a goat lies on a rocky ledge near blue beehives.

Things I learned on my trip to Norway, 5: If you need a camera with interchangeable lenses, consider if you really do, then consider something like m43, APS-C, instead of full-frame. The cameras might not differ much in size, but the lenses so. Once again, be nimble and comfortable.

Things I learned on my trip to Norway, 3: If you’re going out in the nature, you’ll probably want a zoom, a 24-70 should cover most of it, a 24-120 is even better. Longer lenses only if you doing something special.

Things I learned on my trip to Norway, 2: If you’re like me you probably only need a 24mm or 28mm + 40mm or 50mm fixed lenses … if you’re going to spend your time in cities, and similar places. Unless, your only reason for the trip is to take photos. Better to be nimble and miss photos.

Things I learned on my trip to Norway, 1: If you

  • intend to take a lot of photos
  • bring along an iPad for the editing
  • use LR Classic

be aware that the default 20GB storage that LR Mobile can use isn’t that much. I should have temporary gotten the 1TB plan for the trip.

Back home from my trip to Norway, the last time I’ve spent so much time on trains was when I spent a summer inter-railing as a teenager. The last trip, Bergen -> Umeå took 30h.

Quick look around, last day before heading home

New and old

Nope … NOPE

Started the day with a 3h train ride from #Aberystwyth to Birmingham, then 8h of flying and waiting. Now 9h on the train before getting back to #Umeå. At least I get some kind of appreciation of the distance. And going by train is much more “humane” than traveling by plane