16 degrees today. I like it.


Sunday evening walk - I'm NOT popular

While I’m still working, many have started to enjoy summer. For example by reading a book by the lake.

But my main impression from my walk yesterday evening was that I wasn’t very popular and that I should go home NOW

It’s not a car I would like to own, but I do think it looks good in some strange way.

Summer is getting closer

I’ve said it before, and I say it again: spring is the ugliest part of the year. It’s usually muddy, dirty, and mostly completely uninteresting. May has to a large degree fulfilled my expectations, the weather has been cold, rainy and pretty much unpleasant.

But the last few days we have had a change in weather with more sun, a bit warmer and as a result, we are now shifting into late spring/early summer. Don’t worry, there is still some snow around …

and nature looks like it’s just woken up from winter slumber.

But there are clear indications that summer is coming, the trees are starting to get green.

There are some flowers around.

And it looks more and more like summer. I expect that in a few weeks nature has gotten its green summer clothes on and the boring gray has disappeared (together with most of the mud). Unfortunately, it’s also the time for the mosquitos to show up, but you can’t have it all.

Taking photos in the dark

One of the advantages of living where I live are the differences between seasons. In “spring-winter” the sun comes along and everything gets a bit brighter, with a bit of luck it gets bright enough to catch a few photos during the day.

In spring trees, plants and flower is starting to grow again and everything gets more colorful

In summer, everything turns green

In autumn, the light starts to get low and suddenly, it’s all very colorful.

Which brings me to winter. Today sun raise was 9:20 and sunset 13:40, and if that’s not enough the last several weeks have been rainy (hello, climate change) and cloudy. In other words it’s dark before work and it’s dark after work, and if I decide to take an afternoon walk it’s “a low light situation” (thanks to whoever who passed in the car).

Fortunately, it’s still possible to take photos … with one change, instead of taking landscape photos I photograph the “city lights” — but since I don’t live in a city it doesn’t happen that often.

When I walk around at home it’s more like this

Still not bad but it gets a bit “limiting”. Not surprisingly this is the season for flash photography 😜