Another day

I spent most of my day working on some “home improvements”, hopefully I’ll be able to finished that before summer starts. Time will tell.

Of course I had to take a short walk to stretch my legs, and found a lonely helmet.

A hungry street lamp

And a dog with opinions of me

The death of a sofa

I first noticed this sofa in July last year. I “found it” right beside the road, close to a power station, while it wasn’t in mint condition it certainly didn’t look too bad. I could easily see this in a first apartment for someone (unless a cat have peed on it). But I can’t really understand why someone just dumped it here instead of taking it to the recycling station … people!!

In October it was still there but now it started look a bit … sad. Melting snow doesn’t really improve the state of furniture left outside like this.

Today, I passed it once more and now it’s not a sofa anymore. My guess to what happened is that when it started to snow for real in January it was covered in snow, then they needed to remove the snow on the parking lot, and they used a tractor to do that. And this is the result.

The problem with fresh snow

It’s nice when it’s snowing, suddenly the world look like it should in the winter.

Everything looks better in snow, and it’s really nice to have some snow after two months of horrible (warm and rainy) weather. The last two days it has been snowing lightly, but persistently, so we actually have some snow now.

There is however one problem of being out taking photos in this kind of weather: everything looks so nice and by walking across the pristine snow I destroy the experience for the next person coming here.

On the other hand, all of this disappears if the wind picks up, or it becomes a bit warmer or … So, I should probably don’t feel too bad about walking across the snow.

Anyway, it was a nice walk.

Snö och sol

Snö och sol idag, en massa folk är ute och knatar överallt

Årets första dag

Årets första dag, åtminstone en här i byn verkar ha firat lite väl mycket i natt och är lite trött i ögat idag.

Annars började året bra med solsken, ganska trevligt efter ganska många veckor med moln, regn och allmänt skitväder. Snön gör ju att det är lite ljusare ute och jag blir på allmänt bättre humör bara för att det finns snö ute. Jag förstår inte hur folk står ut i södra Sverige.

Ibland så behöver man inte anstränga sig utan Moder Natur gör allt grovjobb och allt jag behöver göra är att trycka av och ta en bild.

Taking photos in the dark

One of the advantages of living where I live are the differences between seasons. In “spring-winter” the sun comes along and everything gets a bit brighter, with a bit of luck it gets bright enough to catch a few photos during the day.

In spring trees, plants and flower is starting to grow again and everything gets more colorful

In summer, everything turns green

In autumn, the light starts to get low and suddenly, it’s all very colorful.

Which brings me to winter. Today sun raise was 9:20 and sunset 13:40, and if that’s not enough the last several weeks have been rainy (hello, climate change) and cloudy. In other words it’s dark before work and it’s dark after work, and if I decide to take an afternoon walk it’s “a low light situation” (thanks to whoever who passed in the car).

Fortunately, it’s still possible to take photos … with one change, instead of taking landscape photos I photograph the “city lights” — but since I don’t live in a city it doesn’t happen that often.

When I walk around at home it’s more like this

Still not bad but it gets a bit “limiting”. Not surprisingly this is the season for flash photography 😜

A black and white day

I decided to take out my GM5 for todays walk, something light that easily would fit in my pocket. Just to make things more interesting I put on my 14mm (28mm full frame) and set it to black and white. Then I started to walk.

There is still a lot of water in the lake, despite that the water level is probably 10-20 cm lower than last week. And there are more reminders of that storm

And some random photos from the rest of the walk

Once I got back home, I sat down with a cup of tea and started to check the photos I’ve taken. But suddenly I got an “emergency” call that I needed to go and buy some roof repair stuff. So my lazy afternoon turned out to be less lazy than I imagined this morning.

Another autumn photo

Yet another autumn photo, it’s kind of embarrassingly simple to get colorful photos right now .

Candid portrait

One of the many things I like to photograph is portraits, and then especially candid portraits. I don’t know why they appeal so much to me, I mean as portraits there are several problems with them but I actually like them. The main reason is probably that they say something more about the person.

Well, here are a few from last week.

Nästa vecka

Jag misstänker att jag kommer att se utsikter som denna under större delen av nästa vecka. Det ska bli skönt.