Just playing around

Looking down

A few experimental photos from today

Current status. Sigh, failed yet another time. Experimented a bit but I’m still failing to get a decent result. Time to read up a bit and try to figure out what I’m doing wrong.

Another experiment in editing, this time I tried to exaggerate the colors and texture. It could have been a pretty OK photo if the tree had been more separated from the forest in the background and the tree to the right hadn’t been in the picture. Well, I’ll learn … hopefully.

A little experiment in editing and color grading, I wanted to see if I could the it to look like some post-apocalyptic photo but failed. The are too many lights, the walls are too clean, etc.

My first attempt ever to photograph the northern lights, unfortunately it was very weak and barely visible to the naked eye. I need to see if it’s more visible tomorrow.


The last few weeks have been hectic, lot of things to do at work and I haven’t really been able to get out … while the sun has been up. But both yesterday and today I was able to take a decent walk - I need these kind of walks. Of course I had my camera with me but since the main reason for the walk was to get some exercise I didn’t really concentrate on the photos. But here are a few “sketch images” from today. With “sketch images” I mean photos I take to play around with things to see how things work.

This image is just a close up of some frost, the difficulty here is get the texture of the ice visible - I need to continue playing with this.

I took this image because I wanted to see how it looked like in black and white. For this image to really work I would need better separation of the tree from the background but … it wasn’t possible. But here is the B&W and color version, the B&W is basically standard conversion without any editing. I adjusted the color version a bit to try to bring out the warm colors. I should have worked more on the B&W version but …

And just some snapshots just because I liked the color of the light.

Quick lunch walk

A quick walk through the village to stretch my legs (I do hate correcting exams)

1:a maj

Idag var det en “hämta mig från veckan”-dag, måndag - fredag var lite hektisk men en massa väntade och oväntade saker som skulle fixas. Det blev kort sagt lite för mycket att göra … lyckades avsluta det mest akuta idag på förmiddagen, resten får vänta till på måndag.

Som en liten belöning så tog jag min vanliga promenad, jag börjar bli lite less på den eftersom det inte är så kul att gå samma väg hela tiden. Just nu har jag ingen lust att gå ut i skogen eftersom snön bär inte och det är rätt blött.

Så här är lite dokumentation från dagens promenad.