Endera förstår man eller också inte

43/365 #hipsta365

Tired visitor

42/365 #hipsta365


41/365 #hipsta365

Back in Sweden. 11 degrees, rain, wind … in short: stepping out from the train is cold.

Things I learned on my trip to Norway, 5: If you need a camera with interchangeable lenses, consider if you really do, then consider something like m43, APS-C, instead of full-frame. The cameras might not differ much in size, but the lenses so. Once again, be nimble and comfortable.

40/365 #hipsta365

39/365 #hipsta365

38/365 #hipsta365

On the road, or should I say rail, again

36/365 #hipsta365

35/365 #hipsta365

I’ve been found out and now I’m behind bars.