
Another standard day, nothing special to report. However, since we now have sunshine in the morning, sunrise was 4:09 today, it’s pretty nice to take an early walk. I was too lazy to walk more than a couple of km today but I could see that the lonely helmet had found a few friends.

And it looks like we are going to get summer this year also.

Otherwise it has been a day of meetings.

Fredag hela veckan

Jag vet inte vad det är med mig men jag har haft fredag varje dan den här veckan. På måndag kändes det som det var fredag, i tisdags var det också fredag, i går var det fredag och idag känns det verkligen som fredag.

Risken är väl att i morgon känns det inte som det är fredag.

Working from home

I’ve been working from home for 9 months now and I like it. I understand that the general idea is that working from home isn’t that good, and yes, I also understand that this has been a horrible time for many. But I’m not one of them.

I’m lucky in several ways, so far, everything I should have done at work I’ve been able to from home. I also have the technical knowledge to set up computers, servers and network at home so that it’s actually possible for us to work from home. And perhaps most important, I actually like working from home, I’m an introvert and doesn’t need to be in constant contact with people — I can find it a big exhausting to be with a lot of people for longer times and I normally need some “alone-time”.

So instead of traveling to work, I can take a walk in my village, take a few photos or do something that needs to be done. So, I think I’ve managed to get more things done each day than I would normally have done. If remote work would have been possible when I started to work I would probably have had a different career.

One thing that have really changed in my landscape photography, I have taken a lot of landscape photos these months and tried some new things. I feel that I have progressed in this area. Sports and event photography … not so much.

I have to admit that there is one huge disadvantage of working from home, it’s waaaay too easy to get a snack or two from the kitchen!!!