One of my life failures is that I haven’t written an app that I would consider a “real” app. Sure, I’ve written many “tools” to do specific tasks, usually data conversion, but not one app for the general public.

I’m starting to discover both sides of “may you live in interesting times” 😋

Sigh, I thought I had put these “prepare code examples” late evenings behind me … but here I am.

Årets första glögg är uppdrucken

I’m too tired to go to bed … late evening work and then 9h of meeting the day after (6-7 on Zoom) does that to me.

Nice Saturday 2h photo walk, 2h dog walk, 1.5h playing with grandchild

I feel sad to learn that a person I used to meet at least once a week now have dementia. It’s a horrible sickness.

Ha, I caught you 😜

NOT launching the mail client makes a much calmer work day 😜

Day 7 - panorama: pretending to have a vacation today so I took a three hour walk before sitting down to do some work.