March Photoblogging Challenge, today analog
Trying some analog tools after watching videos. I need to practice more.
March Photoblogging Challenge, today portico
I had to look this up, it’s not as fancy as those I found when I searched for the word but … this is the village school
March Photoblogging Challenge, today early
After a 2h walk Albus thinks it’s way to early too jump into to the car, what he didn’t know was that we was just moving to another place … and then continued walking for additional 2.5h 😜
March Photoblogging Challenge, today patience
I’ve just mailed my mum some photos, now she have to show some patience before she gets them
March Photoblogging Challenge, today connection
This skywalk is the connection between the natural sciences and the humanities at the university
March Photoblogging Challenge, today gimcrack
To be completely honest, I have no idea what a “gimcrack” is … but I’m pretty sure it has something to do with dog owners who doesn’t clean up after their dogs