I saw the news that Instagram is/was planning to add 3 second un-skippable ads to the timeline. I became a bit curious about the current Instagram experience (I haven’t used it since last year) so I logged into an account and looked at the timeline. What I saw was the following:

F Sp F Su F Su Sp F Su F Su F Sp F Su F Su F Sp Su F Su F Su

F = following. Sp = sponsored. Su = suggested. This would mean that only about 45% what I see is stuff I’ve actually said I wanted to see. Adding un-skippable 3 second ad videos to this is … I’ll put it this way, I’m surprised people still use Instagram.

But since so many are using Instagram to promote their stuff, and since it seems to be working, I assume I’m the strange person that doesn’t understand how valuable Instagram is for me as a person.